
My solutions for Advent of Code 2021



The Advent of Code is a yearly advent calendar that provides a new coding challenge every day while getting more difficult over time.

My Attempt

The Preparation

This year, I tried to be prepared and made the aoc-helper(source code), a cli that allows me to easily generate a template for my solution with unit tests in the programming language of my choice.

With this command:

$ aoc -d 4 -l py

I was able to generate a template for aoc-day 4 in the Python language.

And by using this command:

$ aoc gen-doc

Every single solution got their own little README that told a bit about the content.

The cli was made using Crystal, while the solutions to the tasks were written in Python.

How it Turned Out

The aoc-helper saved me a lot of time by automatically generating what I needed. For 10 days straight I was able to solve the daily task. After the 10th day I slowly lost motivation, because the tasks kept getting harder and I needed longer to solve them. Despite this, I am happy with my performance, and planning to improve next year.

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